[B]Version 2.3.3[/B] -Fix for Kodi 19. [B]Version 2.3.2[/B] -Fix for not showing icons. [B]Version 2.3.1[/B] -Fix for not showing subtitles. [B]Version 2.3.0[/B] -Fix for not showing playing video name. -Fix for not showing subtitles. -Show videos publish year. -Hide adult videos in all categories. [B]Version 2.2.9[/B] -Fix for playing some shows. [B]Version 2.2.8[/B] -Fix for playing some shows. [B]Version 2.2.7[/B] -Fix for some shows in nick and nick junior. [B]Version 2.2.6[/B] -Fix for nick and nick junior. -Add nick and nick junior to categories list. [B]Version 2.2.5[/B] -Paw Patrol Season [B]Version 2.2.4[/B] -Paw Patrol Season 3 -More episodes For new Shows. [B]Version 2.2.3[/B] -added description for some episodes. [B]Version 2.2.2[/B] -saved Dora Again ! -description fixed for wallaVod [B]Version 2.2.2[/B] -Adults is Now optional from settings . [B]Version 2.2.1[/B] -Maintenance [B]Version 2.2.0[/B] -Maintenance [B]Version 2.1.9[/B] -Changes in walla video: -Nick +Nickjr (KIDSIL) -Wallavod [B]Version 2.1.7[/B] - repo check [B]Version 2.1.5[/B] -Bug fixing ,now showing "more episodes" correctly [B]Version 2.1.4[/B] - Add support for paging in seasons with more than 100 episodes. [B]Version 2.1.3[/B] - Add the ability to clean the cache for all modules. [B]Version 2.1.2[/B] - Fix URL to be mp4 instead of old RTMP and swf urls. [B]Version 2.1.0[/B] - Added statistics for addon usage [B]Version 2.0.9[/B] - Added subtitles support(by shlomicthailand) [B]Version 2.0.8[/B] - Complete rewrite of the walla vod (not including other channels), now using JSON API , much faster and reliable (by shlomicthailand) [B]Version 2.0.6[/B] - Add episodes caching for better performance. [B]Version 2.0.5[/B] - Fix for android and conflict with other plugins [B]Version 2.0.3[/B] - Fix new walla layouts [B]Version 2.0.2[/B] - Another Fix hebrew text for Frodo [B]Version 2.0.1[/B] - Fix hebrew text for Frodo [B]Version 2.0.0[/B] - Major rewrite of the whole plugin [B]Version 1.0.19[/B] - Fixed problem caused by missing fanart [B]Version 1.0.18[/B] - Fixed Viva and channel 23 [B]Version 1.0.17[/B] - Fixed Sratim category [B]Version 1.0.16[/B] - Fixed Junior to support the multiple server address changes [B]Version 1.0.15[/B] - Added new story tellers. Fixes for various other categories. [B]Version 1.0.14[/B] - Yet another change in walla movies needed attention [B]Version 1.0.13[/B] - Fixes for eden version + attempt of fixing the walla movies problem with VideoModes [B]Version 1.0.12[/B] - Fixed support for Walla Movies [B]Version 1.0.11[/B] - Fixed problem with changed video descriptor which caused episodes not to be shown [B]Version 1.0.10[/B] - Fixed live feed for the 6 house cameras [B]Version 1.0.9[/B] - Fixed string concatination in DEBUG mode in common - Added support for The new show 'Next Generation' [B]Version 1.0.8[/B] - Fixed changes with Yes to suuport yes again [B]Version 1.0.7[/B] - Fix one thing ruin another.... Fixed problems with 'more chapters' again [B]Version 1.0.6[/B] - Fix in 'yes' module for next chapters - Added more movie videos from the site [B]Version 1.0.4[/B] - Fixed cache to work as float [B]Version 1.0.3[/B] - Added setting for how long to hold the cache