Changelog 2.0.13 Fixed settings not sticking when using reuselanguageinvoker Fixed reuselanguageinvoke status not sticking after toggling Reuselangugageinvoker state now forced on startup Reduced Trakt retries on server failures Increased backoff timeout for retries Fixed playback for special episodes failing Eased timeout issues for bookmarks Fixed non-direct, non-debrid hosters appearing in source select Fix spanish translation file name Fixed title sorting for lists with articles Fixed paging on new shows Changelog 2.0.12 Fix for source select, tested on 4 skins Changelog 2.0.11 Take preventative measures to reduce overloading Trakt servers Increase local show/season statistic refreshing Fixed cloud source sorting Fixed HEVC source sorting New shows api call now pulls english and local language from Trakt Modified database commit method to allow for xbox support Reformat source select screen again to allow better filename displaying Fixed next button showing on next up menu Removed pycryptodome dependency, this will need to be requested on a per provider basis Fixed pre-term Fixed empty search results raising exception Fixed auto episode resuming Fixed superficial exceptions in play dialogs Updated danish language strings Changelog 2.0.10 Fixed issue with milling seasons to often Added checks when attempting to cache magnet Fixed tvshows new Fetching of RD account details after auth fixed Fixed spanish translation folder name Reformat of source select to allow larger file name sizes Fixed race condition in ThreadPool Added fallback for text color if skin color could not be inherited Add legacy param support for smart play playlist creation Fix hide the hiding of unaired episodes from non mixed episode lists Removed default action setting until a appropriate workaround for kodi setting is achieved Wrapped player interactions with Trakt API with Try/Excepts to allow network failures Added fallback method if no thumb art is available Added temporary workaround for ratings issue in add_directory_items Fixed keep-alive in player module. (Fixes dialogs, playlist creation, marking as watched if not caused by network failure) Allowed exceptions in cache check to allow for debrid providers who are offline Replaced ok dialogs for connection issues with notifications Changelog 2.0.9: Fixed RD cloud scraping Fixed issue if all providers were disabled scraping would run as if all were enabled Fixed smartplay and legacy paramas support Fixed bug causing failure when checking art from TMDB Fixed user lists menus Added spanish translation Fixed backing out from menu when opened from widget (having to backout multiple times) Fixed season watch markers Changelog 2.0.8: Temporary Workaround for trakt items not providing trakt_id Better RD episode resolving Better episode identification during resolving Catch WindowsError exception when handling skins Fix text highlight selection Cool down background service on failure Changelog 2.0.7: Fixed All debrid torrent resolving Fixed movie resuming Fixed issue with limited providers running at scrape Fixed AD re-auth Changes to attempt to fix XBOX support and ascii issues with timezones Fixed unaired episodes showing blank Fixed AD User info fetching Fixed ghost providers Fixed TypeError with pre-termination Changelog 2.0.6: Create Skins directory if missing Allow failure in pre-term until investigated Changelog 2.0.5: Allow more failures that will require to be investigated further in the future Changelog 2.0.4: Safe get release title when cloud scraping Allow and log failures in maintenance process Changelog 2.0.3: Added default value of None for skin color when attempting to pull color from user's skin Changelog 2.0.2: Force table re-fresh is sync database fails to rebuild when updating Changelog 2.0.1: Fix last_meta_update value to reflect new Seren version Changleog 2.0.0: Added Download Manager Complete re-write of Trakt Sync Database Metadata handler introduced and complete re-write of handling of metadata Settings that modify metadata can now be changed on the fly and do not require a rebuild Users can now manually resolve a file from the source select screen Users can now manually cache a specific source from the source select screen Complete re-write of menu handling Introduced globals module to handle global variables for interpreter Implement re-use language invoker setting from Kodi Pre-emptive termination now disabled for background Pre-scrapes and timeout set to max for background scrapes New artwork and custom dialogs Metadata now upadted on the fly when updated item encountered from Trakt Next Up menu now populated from local database Sync has been fleshed out to include even more meta data during cycle Failures to auto resolve now prompt user in case they wish to manually interrupt Items are now able to supply multiple images for any given type for skins that make use of it Support for Python 3 Global thread lock now implemented for required methods (prevents multiple syncs occuring at once and other locks) InputStreamAdaptive support Providers now have the abiity to implement settings Provider packages can now elect to make use of their own background services Provider packages can now offer images for each provider Cache and Sync database items are now pickled Complete re-write of resovler module and consolidated code Kodi 19 support All Debrid implementation now fully featured Sources can now be sorted by filesize low to high for users that wish to do so Forcing widget refresh after playback now optional Zip manager implemented for handling of zip files Skin Manager rework Automated resolving now more reliable OMDB API implemented Feedback provided at scrape if no providers are found Feedback provided at scrape if no debrid providers are setup Debrid account status now visible from Seren settings Changelog 1.6.10: Increased concurrent threads for Trakt Sync database to speed up large menu lists Fixed movie view by ID setting not displaying Fix TypeError when a manual update check is performed and no providers are installed. Added monkey patch of requests to allow cancellation of provider requests after we have exited getSources keepalive Added support to inform providers to shutdown Force lists to sync against trakts dates instead of local Fix marking watched on specials if no episodes are present Re-factored marking as watched for shows/seasons to speed up process Randomize service run time to avoid conflicting schedules More py3 compatibility fixes Zip file handling fixes due to issues with py3 compat Extended logging in RD resolving to allow better identification of issues Changelog 1.6.9: Fixed AllDebrid Cache check mistake during py3 compatibility changes Changelog 1.6.8: Tighten and speed up PM cloud file inspection Multiple fixes to TMDb module buildSimpleTorrentInfo now more safe for shows that lack information Added compatibility for Trakt usernames with non ASCII characters Created new regex method for identifying files inside a pack Premiumize resolver now uses regex method Real Debrid resolver now uses regex method Reworked RD cache check method to use new new methods created Cleaned up Real Debrid resolver method Cleaned up Premiumize resolver method Genre lists now use the trending endpoint to provide more current/relevant titles Fix possible double resolving of source in source select if not using auto-try next source Fixed Play from random point not clearing playing items from playlist Changelog 1.6.7: Fix season sort due to stringed season number from TMDb module Changelog 1.6.6: Fix call for movies Changelog 1.6.5: Fixed shows not syncing due to oddly formatted season information Fix MyFiles link resolving Fix All Debrid menu structuring in MyFiles Added more filtering to cache assist to provide a more relevant source Moved TMDb indexer to default meta provider for show items Added try/except/finally to _remove_old_meta_items in sync activities to ensure database cursor is closed on failure Changelog 1.6.4: Trakt requests now automatically re-try in the event of remote server failures Fixed issue with some movies not being marked as collected during sync Catch stringed NoneType values in Resolver now returns None if cancelled, regardless if resolving was successful File size limits are now enabled by default (10GB) Fixed settings cleanup method (missmatch settings error) Fixed MyFiles for All Debrid Seperated cloud services within MyFiles Changelog 1.6.3: Fixed backwards compatibility for older Seren list urls Movie titles now confirm against IMDB before scrape Stop triggering Oauth refresh on 401 errors Next up sort style now requires Trakt Auth All Debrid magnets are now removed from account after resolving is complete Fixed source size possibly displaying multiple times in resolver window Rescrape now only applies to initial playlist item Fixed ability to backout of Hide Item selection in Trakt manager Fixed Trakt lists with same name being mixed up Trakt list titles now also append the username Changelog 1.6.2: Fixed trakt database rebuild issues Changelog 1.6.1: Fix playback for RD items in My Files Fix Trakt Sync Databsae not upgrading correctly Fixed Trakt lists missing items Settings dialog now closes during PM auth Fixed double database rebuilding Fixed AllDebrid movie resolving Fix list comprehension error in check_for_updates method in skin_manager module Changelog 1.6.0: Some Greek translations added Some German translations added Next Up menu now generated completely locally using DB query Added All-Debrid Support Premiumize now uses O-Auth (re-auth is required) Complete re-work of the standard playlist building (removes building playlist window for standard playback) Re-work of My Files module to reduce spaghetti Re-work of resolver module to reduce spaghetti New Custom Windows Still Watching/Play Next Added update support for Seren Themes Removed support for UpNext addon Lists are now synced to the trakt database More work on module, better bookmark identification and playback marking Re-work Trakt Manager to be more context sensitive Added ability to paginate Trakt lists Added some more shortcuts to the search menu Show information is confirmed with IMDB prior to scrape Date and time in custom windows now displays in regional format Added fallbacks for shows meta gathering in Trakt DB Source filtering improvements to reduce meta loss Set a timeout for calls (reduces slow downs at cost of artwork) Re-worked intial trakt sync and removed dialog box Complete overhaul of the bookmark system Fixed torrent semaphore not being released Playback parameters are now applied to further episodes Implement new listall endpoint for Premiumize cloud scraping (decreased scrape times) More minor bugfixes (honestly could not list them all) Changelog 1.4.7: Enable Kodi Menu caching on search results Increase source info identification Fix mislabeled strings in trakt manager Adjust premiered meta key to be gathered from trakt information instead of alternative indexer Add fallback to account for empty premiered key set to empty string Changelog 1.4.6: Removed duplicate caching from meta provider modules Fixed typos Additional translation strings added Fixed potential deadlocks from occuring in the worker module Reduced workers for Trakt Sync operations Changelog 1.4.5: Inceased speed in TMDb module by threading more network requests Changelog 1.4.4: Fixed accidental swap of preferred source of artwork labels Duplicated poster value to thumb for show and season objects Changelog 1.4.3: Created Artwork Category in settings Adjusted artwork settings visibility to better represent end format Changelog 1.4.2: Adjust Advanced artwork strings Fixed Premiumize Max Storage setting visibility Changing highlight color now re-opens settings menu Adjusted getInfo to support more information tags Changelog 1.4.1: Created worker module and lazy threadpool Increased title and information identification for sources Added advanced settings for item artwork Increased network request caching Uninstall in provider manager now works similar to disabling providers Threadlocked SQL database entries Changelog 1.4.0: Fixed Provider Manager Default Focus Fixed language string spacing for Disable All Hosters Fixed Notification timeouts for available updates Added multiple fall backs for metadata information to better support outages Fixed Premiumize visibility equations Settings re-work for better flow Added settings to allow user to choose artwork service Fix setCast for items, cast items now display images Updated last_meta_update for trakt sync database Changelog 1.3.6: Fix skin_dir XML pointer Changelog 1.3.5: Theme Manager now uses pointer to reduce file movements Fixed Unicode errors on deaccentString method Fixed SkinManager import for Provider Manager Fixed type issues with tuples for view types Changelog 1.3.4: Fixed Cache Assist always triggering Fixed cache clear notification appearing if user cancels process Increased fall backs for TV show artwork Fixed series posters being served as thumbnail fallback, changed to fanart Removed Caching of Trakt user lists Increased text translation Added Dutch Translations Changelog 1.3.3: Added check to confirm folder "Default" is included in theme package Added new language strings Changelog 1.3.2: Fixed Scrobbling Changelog 1.3.1: Fixed delay when resuming items Fixed issues with missing theme variables in tools module Lowered RD request timeout Improved Seren's ability to detect moment playback has started Improved handeling of accented text in Premiumize resolver Changelog 1.3.0: Serens skins renamed to "Themes" to try avoid confusion with Kodi skins Fixed issue displaying show seasons where season numbering does not start from 1 eg BBC Horizon Added Flatten Seasons setting Small improvements to player module Changelog 1.2.2: Fixed search history results not searching Fixed issue with providers not displaying names correctly Fixed RD Cloud movie sources showing incorrect size meta Movies Fanart now acquired using TMDB ID Added redundant reset to scrobble status on playback start in player module Fixed and confirmed all searching related items Changelog 1.2.1: Fixed providers not refreshing after new dialog raised with Toolbox button in Provider Manager Added touch/mouse support for Provider Manager window Fixed Kodi crashing on playback from widgets Fixed Kodi playback error displaying when played from skin info dialog Changelog 1.2.0: Fixed arguments or Trakt Manager context item Fixed playlist not clearing on cancel of source select Re-design of provider package management Changelog 1.1.3: Updated hash regex to support uncommon magnets Fixed browse show from mixed episode lists Language string "32055" change to "Clear Local Torrent Cache" Added confirmation at clearing of torrent cache Added confirmation at clearing of search history Removed multiline source select setting as it is no longer required Setting "Hide Low Quality Items" renamed to "Hide Common Undesirable Items" Setting "Check for Seren Updates" renamed to "Notify Me About Available Updates" Removal of orphaned files Restructuring of some folders Fixed duplicate removal process removing debrid duplicates Clean up of player init method Changelog 1.1.2: Added fallback to hash on failure to extract from magnet in RD resolver Changelog 1.1.1: Added the ability to use custom images for custom window skins Added the window property "skin.dir", property contains the file path for the current active skin (similar to special://skin/) Moved RD premium check further down in auth process Trakt username api call changed to users/me endpoint Changelog 1.1.0: Added the Skin Manager Feature Users can now install custom XML window packages Users can now uninstall custom XML window packages Users can now switch between custom XML window packages Changelog 1.0.24: Fix Automatic Episode Resume Changelog 1.0.23: Fixed disable/enabled of providers Clean up some missed logging Changelog 1.0.22: Fixed Background Scraping Display style Changelog 1.0.21: Fixed issue with Custom Providers refresh not honoring disabled status (Actually this time) Added try/except for property/progress updates in getSources module Fixed issue with source dicts being stringed during source select Added onClick callback for source select Changelog 1.0.20: Fixed Source Select selecting wrong source Fixed issue with Custom Providers refresh not honoring disabled status Changelog 1.0.19: Further adjustments of background overlay to better suit brighter fanart images Changelog 1.0.18: Added Overlay to custom windows Added re-worked versions of artwork Seren Fanart now applies to all items that are missing fanart Changelog 1.0.17: Adjust poster size in Source Select Added setting "Auto try next link on resolve failure (Source Select)" Changelog 1.0.16: Cleaned up and re-worked provider database sync function Fixed issue with providers not showing on initial install of providers Changelog 1.0.15: Local torrent database restructued to increase speeds and handling of entries Increased visibility of selected item in source select view Fixed hosters providers not scraping episodes Hosters now display the release title of the source if available Re-work of Seren artwork Changelog 1.0.14: Fixed Shuffle Play Adjusted contrast levels for new windows Changelog 1.0.13: All custom windows have been migrated over to XML based windows Tidied code within getSources endpoint Failure to resolve an item with source select active now returns the user to the source select window Improvements to trakt bookmarks occuring Added notification at RD auth to check if users account is premium and advise accordingly Adjusted Premiumize Automatic Cloud Removal to support new Fair Usage system Premiumize percentage threshold is now maximum GBs of used storage Fixed appending seasons to current playlist Changelog 1.0.12: Fixed issues with show year returning INT Changelog 1.0.11: Fixed removal of hidden items during sync Changelog 1.0.10: Fixed Hiding show from episode items Changelog 1.0.9: Fixed Date Display issue with Up Next notification Menu caching is now optional within Seren settings, defaulted to On Show year meta information now gathered from Trakt instead of TVDB (meta missing on some titles) Changes to search menu to provide better usability Increasesd title identification Changelog 1.0.8: Improvements to title identification Improvements to window handling on playback failure/cancellation Disabled Kodi menu caching for all directories Moved playback resume execution closer to start of playback Fixed IMDB meta confirmation for movies Changelog 1.0.7: Adjusted Trakt Manager method to better suit new URLS Fixed Smartplay playlist builder not honoring hide un-aired setting Further improvements to show pack filter Changelog 1.0.6: Change movie items action to the correct action Changing trakt account now raises an initial sync process. Removing trakt account removes all watched status and collected status from local database Authorising trakt for the first time raises an initial sync process to occur Added trakt_username column to the Trakt Sync activities database Added migration for existing trakt users Unsuccesful attempts to mark/unmark watched status on items is now notified and logged Fixed issue with pre-emptive scraping failing when set to background task style scraping TV module functions now use a shared instance of the Trakt Sync database class Movie modules functions now use a shared instance of the Trakt Sync database class Changelog 1.0.5: Rollback changes to initial playlist creation due to issues with skin widgets Changelog 1.0.4: Added workaround for getSources api call Fixed more URL issues in breaking play style Changelog 1.0.3: Fixed issue cloud scraping for movie items caused by URL changes Fixed Source Select List (Movies) issues due to URL changes Fixed issues caused in player module from URL change Fixed issues caused in smartPlay from URL change Changelog 1.0.2: Fixed issue with Trakt Sync Database repeatedly downgrading/upgrading Changelog 1.0.1: Fix slow trakt sync speeds caused by maximum SQL statements variable not resetting Fix issues with list style source select and URL changes Fixed date display in list style source select window Changelog 1.0.0: Removed Building Playlist process, seren now moves straight to scraping and fills in the playlist in the background Re-worked smartplay module Moving forward, Seren's versioning should now match semantic versioning Complete restructure of actionArgs for Seren API endpoints Fixed issues with trakt manager when in a mixed episode list Fixed Trakt Sync failing with exceptionally large libraries Changelog 0.2.38: Fixed issue with marking items as watched locally Changelog 0.2.37: Fixed Episode File Size setting visibility Fixed getSources module displaying checking local database when setting is disabled Removed logging of some superficial errors in Trakt Sync and Next Up menu Reduced minimum of percentage watched before marked as watched locally Fixed issue where seasons would not display for shows with odd season number conventions Changelog 0.2.36: Fixed visibility of Premiumize Account Settings Provider update check timeout increased to hourly Addon update checks timeout increased to daily Drastic increases to trakt sync speeds Added fallbacks for possible network failures in trakt syncing process Fixed default tuple length in getSources Fixed Real-Debrid Cloud Sources breaking due to missing size key Disabled cache assist when cloud files are present during scrape process Adjusted scrobble check for player module to occur only when successfully scrobbled to trakt Added fallback for trakt scrobbling to playbackended player callback Removed duplicate trakt prompt on auth failure Un-cached Sources in manual cache assist are now sorted by seeds descending Added Browse Season option to episode context menu Added ability to shuffle play show from an episode item Fixed setting retrieval for Apple devices Movies and episodes now have seperate file size limits Source select view now defaults to list Fixed delayed playback failed dialog from Kodi Fixed issue with appending next season to active playlist Escaped ampersand characters in settings file Fixed issue where item meta information would not update unless a Trakt account was authorised Disabled caching of results if no sources are found Fixed missing settings check for Local Torrent Cache inspection. Fixed CM options not showing if context menu addon not installed Changelog 0.2.35: Seren now utilizes Kodi Repository dateutil package Changelog 0.2.34: Cleaned up logging Changelog 0.2.33: Premiumize Cloud Inspection now includes size for identified items Cloud Inspection threads now gracefully exit if pre-emptive termination limit is reached Increased file identification Fixed delay with getsources window showing Changelog 0.2.32: Fixed is_aired format error Fixed issue with hide SD removing cloud files Changelog 0.2.31: Fixed issue with un-aired episodes being added to playlist after smartplay speedup Seren now confirms TMDB year information with IMDB prior to scraping Fixed issues with Seren identifying sources from the users premiumize cloud Changelog 0.2.30: Fixed dictionary key issue for show items in smartPlay modules created with new workaround Changelog 0.2.29: Added removal of duplicate space characters to clean title function Added support for single episode folders to Premiumize cloud inspection Changelog 0.2.28: Fixed issue with ADDON_NAME variable change Changelog 0.2.27: Adjusted RD cache inspection to allow multiple video files within a single movie item Adjust RD movie resolving to pull largest file out of torrent item Seren now polls Kodi for supported video containers instead of hardcoding Fixed key error when marking episode as watched in local database Added settings cache dictionary to reduce Kodi's logging of "trying to load setting definitions from old format..." Cleaned up addon logging Changelog 0.2.26: Fix Auto Episode Resume Changelog 0.2.25: Movie years now uses the popular API endpoint Added option to enable Debrid Cloud inspection during scrape Added Upcoming Episodes to My Shows menu Added By Actor search to Discover Show/Movie menus "Hide Un-Aired Episodes" renamed to "Hide Un-Aired Items" "Hide Un-Aired Items" setting now applies to movie/show/season menus as well Marking show/season item as watched/collected now triggers a background re-sync of relevant items Increased resolving restrictions Playstyle for Episodes and Movies are now seperate Fixed issue with Premiumize Torrent File Picker Speed Increase for playlist building Changelog 0.2.24: Fixed issue with None value for seren_version entry of trakt database Changelog 0.2.23: Added workaround to combat file extraction error while obtaining GMT timezone information Fixed issue with activities failing due to no progress dialog raised Re-added extended information argument to the list items call to fix issue with first Changelog 0.2.22: Re-added ability for next-up to be sorted by Recently Played Added error message when attempting to play an item with no debrid accounts setup Added clearart/clearlogo to upnext meta data Fixed issue with menu "Unfinished Show In Collection" showing finished shows Removed requests for extended info for tvshowMenus trakt requests Further removal of un-aired items from SmartPlay Lists Added argument "ignore_collected" to recommended shows Added argument "ignore_collected" to recommended movies Removed remaining requests for extended info for movie menus Cleaned up logging Changelog 0.2.21: Fixed datetime error on playlist building Changelog 0.2.20: Date delay setting now set to false by default Fixed datetime format for mixed episode lists Fixed general.textColor not applying if no value has been set Changelog 0.2.19: Release times are now measured to exact date/time provided from trakt Added fallback to Trakt title if TVDB does not supply title Trakt Databases upgraded to version 0.2.19 Duplicate search queries now removed from search history Search queries are now URL quoted Clear Search history added to tools menu Language strings added for New show/movie search, clear search history Added option to add item to user's cloud on successful resolving of link for premiumize users Fixed type in drop table requests for trakt sync database Re-added release filter for playlist builder Added ability to set addon menu view types Fixed aliases info key not being cleaned up Added general.textColor back to settings to avoid Added ability to resolve files containing conjoined episodes eg: 's04e01e02' identifier Tightended up resolving on some items being triggered by 1080p label Added progress dialog for the rare case that show/movie meta is updated on initial sync Changelog 0.2.18: Fixed season premiers not showing if the previous season was not finished Changelog 0.2.17: Fixed variable issue in Next Up call Changelog 0.2.16: Fixed language filter for New Shows menu Networks now utilise the Trakt shows/Popular API endpoint Reduced meta refresh check timeout to 2 hours Next Up now utilises the trakt sync database to identify the next episode to watch Added database versioning, database can now be flushed and upgraded/downgraded as required by Seren Changelog 0.2.15: Fixed genre capitalization Fixed clear meta dialog text Changelog 0.2.14: Added ability to clear metadata for individual items using Trakt Manager Changelog 0.2.13: Fixed Movies being marked as un-aired Fixed Movie Release Date Meta Information Fixed Unaired episodes showing as aired Changelog 0.2.12: Fixed Next menu item for show Years Re-added ability for Seren to display un-aired episodes if Hide Unaired is unchecked Added automatic checks and prompt for Seren updates Force check for episodes in season episode menus if hide unaired is disabled Stopped trakt sync from attempting to update user information if user is not authorised with trakt Changelog 0.2.11: Fixed Playable flag for mixedEpisodeList Fixed Context menu not showing on mixed episode lists Changelog 0.2.10: Fixed issue with incorrect episode playing. Changelog 0.2.9: Added try except for AttributeError on getTorrents/getHoster functions to account for change of variable type Fixed Attribute Issue causing cache assist to fail Re-added smartplay workaround (fixes playback failed message even when playback was successful) Changelog 0.2.8: Fixed issue with getDebridDuplicates sources crashing getSources Module Fixed Pre-emptive termination Fixed extra information crashing trakt sync Reduced number of threads for initial sync to lessen imapct on device Changelog 0.2.7: Fixed filter function naming Changelog 0.2.6: Fixed Trakt Sync prompting if trakt not authorised Changelog 0.2.5: Fixed issue with clean_title not applying to old version of function Changelog 0.2.4: Added ability to delay Trakt Sync Added notice for Initial Trakt Sync with warning about delaying Added further information to the Trakt Sync background progress dialog Increased item filtering accuracy Improvements to Premiumize torrent link identification Changelog 0.2.3: Removed unused show thread for TVDB modoule episodeIDToListItem Rework of 24 hour release delay setting Fixed issue with some seasons not showing episodes Hoster scrape threads exit more gracefully now Changelog 0.2.2: Maintenance cycle timeout reduced to 15 minutes Reduced concurrent tasks for background trakt syncs Added more fallbacks for menus with items that can't be built Changelog 0.2.1: Fixed issue if Kodi meta was unable to be filled for mixed episode list record Changelog 0.2.0: Added removal of None items for next up list. Changelog 0.1.50: Fixed UnWatchedEpisodes list item property for seasons Changelog 0.1.49: Fixed Movie Collection Sorting Fixed shows get_season_episodes falling back to episode update Changelog 0.1.48: Fixed Marking As Watched not updating local trakt records Meta requests now run in a queue to throttle thread creation Fixed season_count not being checked in local trakt database Added more info label cleanups Added TotalSeasons to item properties Fixed spelling of UnWatchedEpisodes item property Changelog 0.1.47: Removed thread stack size changes (possibly causing Kodi crashes) Changelog 0.1.46: Fixed Movies not correctly marked as watched Movies Collection now pulled from local database instead of Trakt call Changelog 0.1.45: Added Years menu item to shows Added Background Task Style scrape display option Fixed source utils deaccent function Added Re-Build Trakt Datbase menu item Changelog 0.1.44: Trakt Sync Database now integrated Duplicate source removal now performed using dictionary of hashes and urls Real Debrid cache checks are now threaded to increase cache check speeds Fixed Hide SD causing only SD to show Torrents from local database now show original provider name Fixed temporary provider files not being cleaned up on zip install Added new My Files menu, allows browsing and playback of cloud stored files Fixed Trakt Bookmarks Changelog 0.1.43: Fixed trakt scrobbling on item start Slowest 5 providers now show their names on scraping screen Missing season posters now fall back to show poster Changelog 0.1.42 Fixed issue with movies creating transfer requests for premiumize users Fixed lists throwing error when no liked lists were found Fixed watched episodes showing in Next Up Fixed issue with trakt scrobbling on item finish Changelog 0.1.41 Fixed Fanart pulling items with wrong language Fixed Scrobbling (again) Changelog 0.1.40: Fixed My Movies List Menu Item Fixed display of individual providers in dialog Increased Premiumize movie detection Fixed Trakt Scrobbling Fixed issue error caused on player skip Fixed Search History not showing from main menu search Fixed Search History sorting Fixed error on torrent sizes if size is 0 Fixed spelling issue on Movies Years Menu Changelog 0.1.39: Removed duplicate semaphore acquisition which caused large show menus to stall forever Changelog 0.1.38: Provider versions are now shown in the disable/enable windows Changelog 0.1.37: Fixed issue with scraping caused by absolute numbering Changelog 0.1.36 Torrent Sources now receive two new keys in the simpleInfo dictionary "isanime, absolute_number" absolute_number is the relevant episode number in the series Adjust custom providers so installs can be requested from external addons (with user approval) Added Hide SD quality option to settings TVDB images now filter by language code (statically set to english for the interim) Multiple Language String Fixes Added fix for Seren scrobbling items twice Added ability for providers to override provider display names Next Up now filters items if they are the first episode in the series and have previously been completed Added Show Networks to Discover TV Shows Added Hide Un-Aired Episodes to Settings options Added Movie Years to Menu Added Networks to TV Shows Menu Fixed Real Debrid Cache Assist Real Debrid Cache Assist should now properly cache entire season packs Fixed issue where providers/ could be overwritten with malformed provider package Changelog 0.1.35 Fixed scrape error caused by missing artwork Sources that are not compatible are now hidden from users Fixed landscape image issue for episode items Changelog 0.1.34 Fanart now also supplies landscape images Workaround put in place for issue where trakt would supply multiples of a show season Fixed issue where episodes would show as None if not released Fixed Most Collected sorting by title Changelog 0.1.33 Fixed RD resolving errors module now only applies clear art and clear logo to movies and Fixed Source Select not selecting files Changelog 0.1.32 Decreased TVDB semaphore limit Fixed Trakt list sorting with titles that start with the word 'The' Added support for RealDebrid API changes Began work on console mode Added multiple meta labels for movie items Added possible workaround for UTC to local timezone conversion Movie filter now supports years surrounded in [] Added Fanart Support Fixed Search history order Limited Next Up show amount to 200 most recently watched titles Fixed error caused from Auto Episode Resume and Kodi 18 widget workaround Added better resolve support for movies in premiumize module Added workaround for long cache check urls with Real Debrid Fixed issue were items were incorrectly marked as watched with Trakt Re-designed Source Select window Added support for package developers to use github archives to push updates Added IMDB variable to torernt provider modules (Package devs please update to include this new variable, as support for modules without it will be dropped in the near future) Added Ratings for movie items Changelog 0.1.31 Added Sort and Filter for low quality items Re-order Settings Menu Changelog 0.1.30 Fixed Finish Watching sort order Increased Hoster Support Added Search History option Premiumize module now uses direct download to resolve torrent files Changelog 0.1.29 Reverted changes to mixed episode lists Added option to disable title overwrites for episode lists Changelog 0.1.28 Added try except in zfile module to handle if file is already in byte form Changelog 0.1.27 Added delay to setViewType call Added setting to disable setting viewTypes with Seren Removed idle, closeAllDialogs, added closeOkDialog, added closeBusyDialog Removed busy dialog stalling after failure to find sources Changelog 0.1.26 Increased keep-alive ticks to prevent pre-scrape occuring to early Reduced busy dialog occurance on failure to scrape Fixed provider install issue with zipfiles Changelog 0.1.25 Fixed setSetting argument naming (Fixes pre-emptive scraping) Trakt lists sorting now ignores 'The ' Removed title appends to follow more closely to Kodi standards, another method of showing play percentage must be met Fixed Trakt dates for episode items Added Studio to metadata Seren now appends next season to current playlist during playback instead of after Removed references to now defunct OMNIConnect Addon Added Re-scrape cm item to episode items Fixed and optimised list pagination Trakt Lists now use user slugs to support users with periods in their username Added ability to direct search through plugin url Confirmed Trakt list sorting for all types except excluded (popularity, percentage, my rating) Added support to fail resolve if file ends with .rar Release titles are now deaccented and encoded with utf-8 to prevent unicode errors Fixed Ghost providers occuring if a provider was no longer available in a updated version of a provider package. Fixed TVDB module creating an artwork URL if no artwork is available Added token refresh lock to the TVDB module to stop instances of the class spawning mass refresh requests Massively reduced chance Kodi will drop Seren's settings Fixed Real Debrid post request making a get request after token refresh Custom Provider module now uses Zfile module to accomodate zipfile module bug on Android devices Version 0.1.24 Changelog: Fixed Movie Watchlist Sort to content type "Show" Version 0.1.23 Changelog: Added Watchlist sorting Added extra fallbacks for trakt outages Changed tools setSetting to a function so Kodi modules are not initialised if there is an exception Version 0.1.22 Changelog: Re-installation and updating of provider packages now honors previous settings Fixed Hidden items error if no connection to Trakt could be made. Version 0.1.21 Changelog: Added onAVStarted for Kodi 18+ due to issues with offset Re-factored code and cleaned up imports Version 0.1.20 Changelog: Provider installer re-write Provider packages can now update automatically or manually Fixed Trakt Movie Scrobbling Fixed Finish Watching Movies Added Remove (movie/episode) Progress to Trakt Manager Version 0.1.19 Changelog: Fixed Hidden Items (Possibly - please check) Trakt Lists now paginated and sorted Silent Scraper setting now reset on startup incase of Kodi crash New Shows and recently updated shows now filtered by Kodi Languge Corrected some typos Extended relevant show pack identification Un-aired episodes now removed from automatic playlist generator Premiumize autocache now runs premiumize cleanup instead of deleting transfer Added option to allow premiumize users to utilize transcoded files Added Banner image to episode objects Seasons now sorted by season number and not title Added basic duplicate provider filtering (provider name only) Show premiered dates now retrieved from Trakt and not TVDB Version 0.1.18 Changelog: Added fallback from TMDB SSL certificate issues Version 0.1.17 Changelog: Removed Trakt Lists pagination (Fixed List Sorting) Complete work over of TV show continue watching display Added Sort Options for Next Up Renamed and moved Continue Watching Menu items to "Finish Watching" and added to their respective folders Version 0.1.16 Changelog: Fixed season items not being marked as watched Added try/except clauses to catch errors with get_hidden_items Adjust Info detection to better detect source information Added fallback if info list was empty for Source Select Added ability to show sources in source select as a single line in case of skins that do not support the multiline view Simplified provider failure output Added removal of unknown video keys for Kodi 18 Removed trakt list lengths Premiumize module now removes items from account if it failed to resolve a link Premiumize cleanup now occurs at end of resolving Threads no longer marked as daemon as it doesn't work within Kodi Forced provider threads to return if getSources canceled Added fallback for gathering of hoster domains Version 0.1.15 Changelog: Fallback for DateTime ValueError Changed process of list generating so window shouldn't contain random number of items Version 0.1.14 Changelog: Increased Trakt Caching Version 0.1.13 Changelog: Source Select items now clickable Esc Key now closes Source Select dialog Version 0.1.12 Changelog: Added premiumize transfer database cleanup to maintenance script Changed scrobble ID back to Trakt as IMDB ID was unreliable causing trakt progress for some random show called pride if the IMDB ID wasn't available for an episode (sorry for my testers watching origin) Fixed issue with keepalive not dying causing scrobble issues and issues with Upnext Added 265 priority sort Some spelling mistakes Changed Upnext episode IDs to Trakt ID Added setUniqueIDs to tools.addDirectoryItem function Hide Item in trakt manager now actually sends the trakt request (Bad nix) Version 0.1.11 Changelog: Added workaround for Kodi 18 Widgets Increased support for Kodi 18 player Fixed issue with Kodi 18 where pre-emptive scraping wouldn't occur Adjusted menu content types so they now respect their content correctly Version 0.1.10 Changelog: Adjusted Migration Script so it no longer broke Super Faviorates Adjusted TMDB movie artwork to fix issue where it would display the wrong media (removed thumbnail) Version 0.1.09 Changelog: Increased torrent file identification Extended timeout for failed cache assit attempts to 3 hours Changed Trkat Scrobble Object to current playing item IMDB Number Fixed Trakt Scrobbling with Up Next Addon Intergration Fixed Trakt Scrobbling when seeking Added increased fallbacks for TV show metadata Version 0.1.08 Changelog: Restructed Settings page to use subsetting attribute Added Support for Context Menu Addon Version 0.1.07 Changelog: Added automatic migration from incorrect addon ID release Added Notification if no sources are found during pre-scrape Removed manual cache dialog prompt during pre-emptive scraping Cache inserts now threaded Added Semaphore to relieve thread pressure on database Fixed KeyError exception in TVDB episode function Custom Windows are now removed from scope with del Removed Please Check Internet Connection Dialog Added Logging for RD refresh Errors Version 0.1.06 Changelog: Added 3D filter Setting Added File Size Limit Added View types for Seasons, Episodes and Default for Menus Added Debrid Priorities Added Install UpNext Addon Setting Fixed capitalised Addon ID Fixed issue where TVDB token was not initially created Added ability to hide items from trakt manager Adjusted Source Select to multiline string Increased listitem size in custom source select window Version 0.1.05 Changelog: Added better Hoster support Changed hoster domains to (domain, name) tuple Fixed issue where color change would set color even if cancelled Cleaned up logging Fixed Manual Caching Adjusted Manual Caching display string Fixed View Types not being set