+ [B][COLOR lime]2.1.2[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](31-03-2021)[/COLOR] - Kodi 19 compatibility (credits to u/lolage331 on reddit for the help) - fix search functio - fix encoding issues - fix infos missing + [B][COLOR lime][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](27-03-2021)[/COLOR] - python 3 compatibility + [B][COLOR lime][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](06-01-2021)[/COLOR] - corrections in service.py + [B][COLOR lime]2.0.2[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](01-01-2021)[/COLOR] - corrections in the code + [B][COLOR lime]2.0.1[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](20-11-2020)[/COLOR] - add rlsbb website option + [B][COLOR lime]2.0.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](22-04-2020)[/COLOR] - add eztv website option + [B][COLOR lime]1.9.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](22-04-2020)[/COLOR] - add cloudscraper module to bypass cloudflare + [B][COLOR lime]1.8.6[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](03-01-2020)[/COLOR] - add foreign movies menu - fix search function to point titles link to old2.rlsbb domain - add service.py and make function to get the available RLSBB domains + [B][COLOR lime][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](01-12-2019)[/COLOR] - fix cfscrape to bypass cloudflare credits to openscrapers team - fix search function + [B][COLOR lime]1.8.4[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](30-08-2019)[/COLOR] - add cfscrape17.py to support kodi 17.6 users + [B][COLOR lime]1.8.3[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](20-08-2019)[/COLOR] - Fix Recommended movies issue + [B][COLOR lime]1.8.2[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](21-07-2019)[/COLOR] - Update cfscrape.py - Fix search function - For support join https://bit.ly/bug_telegram or https://bugatsinho.github.io + [B][COLOR lime]1.8.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](15-05-2019)[/COLOR] - Update cfscrape.py - Fix search function - Add support for TV PACKS on search - Fix menus - Until the website is transfered totally to the new server add-on will have issues so be patient! - For support join https://bit.ly/bug_telegram or https://bugatsinho.github.io + [B][COLOR lime]1.7.5[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](20-03-2019)[/COLOR] - Update cfscrape.py + [B][COLOR lime]1.7.4[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](20-03-2019)[/COLOR] - Fix menus + [B][COLOR lime]1.7.3[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](08-02-2019)[/COLOR] - New Artwork credits to @jokstergfx - Add Recommended Movies + [B][COLOR lime]1.7.2[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](26-01-2019)[/COLOR] - fix no year or episode title issue(like MMA and UFC titles) + [B][COLOR lime]1.7.1[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](25-01-2019)[/COLOR] - fix path issue on Downloads + [B][COLOR lime]1.7.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](22-01-2019)[/COLOR] - fix Tv Show Packs - add Download Function(context menu) - add Downloads on Main menu(downloads must be enabled in settings) + [B][COLOR lime]1.6.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](14-01-2019)[/COLOR] - fix search url - add Set View-Type option(like exodus viewtypes) - add Premiumize authorization on settings - fix dom_parser and parseDOM function - linked github addon url by clicking Github-Help on main menu + [B][COLOR lime]1.5.1[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](03-01-2019)[/COLOR] - fix search url + [B][COLOR lime]1.5.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](21-12-2018)[/COLOR] - rewrite View-Mode function (now you can use the context menu and set the viewtype you prefer by select Set View as Default) + [B][COLOR lime]1.4.0[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR gold](11-12-2018)[/COLOR] - fix search link - better search function store/remove search queries - add View-Mode on settings to select view-type for menu and titles + [B][COLOR lime]1.3.0[/B] [COLOR gold](01-12-2018)[/COLOR] - add cloudflare support (but no title's icon when website uses cloudflare-protection) - add clear cache and settings on context menu for faster access! - add check function for website state (with or without cloudflare) + [B][COLOR lime]1.2.0[/B] [COLOR gold](28-11-2018)[/COLOR] - Fix Search Error - Add Settings Enable/Disable View Size|'Dead' Links function (If this enabled, addon first checks if the links are alive and then shows them in a list with the file size) - Code cosmetics + [B][COLOR lime]1.1.1[/B] [COLOR gold](26-11-2018)[/COLOR] - Fix unicode errors(PLOT) - Code cosmetics + [B][COLOR gold]1.1.0[/B] [COLOR gold](19-11-2018)[/COLOR] - Add Cache function(Menus open faster-reduce website traffic) - New artwork (icon/fanart) - Add Version on main menu(ForceUpdate) - Code cosmetics + [B][COLOR gold]1.0.1[/B] [COLOR gold](13-11-2018)[/COLOR] - Fix title's icons error - Add Real-Debrid authorization + [B][COLOR gold]1.0.0[/B] [COLOR gold](13-11-2018)[/COLOR] - Change domain to rlsbb.to - Fix search function - Code cosmetics