[COLOR springgreen]Elementum:[/COLOR]

[COLOR red]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR]

[B][COLOR red]0.1.33-35[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed Linux ARM platforms.
    - Removed usage of Kodi 'resume playback' parameter as it is often wrong.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.32[/COLOR][/B]
    - [B][COLOR red]This release is removed due to broken work on Linux ARM platforms![/COLOR][/B]
    - Updated libtorrent-go docker images to use Musl+GCC9 for Linux images. Should run on any Linux OS now.
    - Modified automatic next episode starter, to avoid re-writing current episode.
    - Fixed issue with internal DNS client and failed requests because of v6 IPs.
    - Small changes to prioritization function to avoid useless calls to libtorrent.
    - Changed default MaxConnections for libtorrent, from 200 to 80 for multicore devices, 50 to 40 for singlecore devices.
    - Added handling of multiple BluRay directories in the torrent.
    - Made search queries to become on top when selected from history list. 
    - Added selection of files, when added from web. 
    - Added button to web, to add torrent with downloading all files.
    - Modified season/episode titles, used for subtitles searchers.
    - Fixed issue when buffer dialog shows 0% progress.
    - Added option to avoid adding subtitles files when video has included subtitles. Same option for automatic subtitles download.
    - Added support for adding not only .srt subtitles. Full list: https://aboutdevice.com/kodi-load-external-subtitle-file/    

[B][COLOR red]0.1.31[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed File storage pieces management.
    - Fixed Antizapret proxy.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.30[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed issue with file not fully downloaded (using file storage).
    - Added movie/show title to /play links.
    - Fixed removal of files, upon torrent deletion in torrents list' context menu.
    - Fixed re-modification of torrent files upon torrent metadata received.
    - Added feature to read added file, if it has magnet link inside.
    - Fixed Croatian translation. Many thanks to @adiadi2.
    - Another approach to make platform detection safer on closed platforms.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.29[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed issue with priorities setter for file storage.
    - More subtitles reorganizations.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.28[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added option to skip IPv6 addresses with built-in DNS resolver.
    - Small fixes for subtitles selector in existing torrents.
    - Fixed payload for opensubtitles.
    - Added Torrents history section. 
    - Refactored resume playback.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.27[/COLOR][/B]
    - More changes to piece pick strategy. Removed deadlines functionality.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.26[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added storing resume progress for downloaded files.
    - Added "Download all" option to context menu in torrents list.
    - Make "Yes" as predefined in confirm dialogs.
    - Trying to treat piece priorities in a new way.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.25[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added separate option for defining minimum file size for episodes (to cover small episodes).
    - More changes to deadlines management. Deadlines are not enabled by default.
    - Buffer window now not shown if buffer is not needed.
    - Fixed OSDB usage without login/password (anonymous mode now working).
    - Modified OSDB to properly search episodes.
    - Added option for auto-downloading subtitles from OSDB on playback start.
    - Fixed internal proxy failure on configuration changes.
    - Added Auto-buffering for next episode in playlist (Start playback from list of episodes by "Play from here ...").
    - Modified all plugin links to have movie/episode titles in the link.
    - Fixed proxy settings in libtorrent.
    - Added Transaltions to search objects, that go to search plugins.
    - Added Donate link to main menu.
    - Added deadline reset for hailed-hash pieces.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.24[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added "Liked" Trakt lists to "My Collections".
    - Added context menu to Trakt lists, that allow adding them to main menu (Movies/Shows).
    - Any list can be added to main lists. Context menu on them - to remove from main menu.
    - More changes to libtorrent settings.
    - Fixed many memory leaks.
    - Added options 

[B][COLOR red]0.1.23[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added "In Kodi library" sections, that show movies/shows added by Elementum in Kodi library.
    - Added option to resume playback N seconds earlier.
    - Added option to resume torrents with Paused/Resumed state.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.22[/COLOR][/B]
    - Small changes to pieces priorities settings.
    - Fixes for resume playback management.

[B][COLOR red]0.1.21[/COLOR][/B]
    - Reorganized libtorrent settings.
    - Added libtorrent profile settings.
    - Added magnet retracker settings.

[B][COLOR red]v0.1.1-0.1.20[/COLOR][/B]
    - Testing migration to libtorrent as a torrent library!
    - If you want to use stable version - revert to 0.0.* version by updating from repository!
    - Please report any found problems on github or gitter chat.
    - Added option to auto-adjust buffer size to have at least 10 pieces before starting playback.
    - Added option to skip auto-adjust buffer according to Kodi's advancedsettings.xml
    - Added libtorrent.config handling to manually adjust libtorrent settings. See https://libtorrent.org/reference-Settings.html
    - Added setting to add season+episode number to episode titles.
    - Reorganized startup to start faster.
    - Reorganized existing torrents loading to load them in creation order.
    - Reorganized fastresume+parts files cleanup.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.71[/COLOR][/B]
    - New memory storage implemented.
    - Added save ability for magnets.
    - Added Antizapret usage.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.70[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed error while browsing trakt movies.
    - New approach to readahead settings.
    - Added Opennic failback.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.69[/COLOR][/B]
    - Increased memory usage ratio.
    - Fixed small problems.
    - Added option to skip 'resume' if was chosed so in Kodi (no forced resume video).

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.68[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed internal proxy hang on arm devices.
    - Added option to disable internal DNS (disable for Tor usage, for example).
    - Fixed player start from search.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.67[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added built-in HTTP Proxy for usage by searchers (like Burst). It include CloudFlare bypass and DNS over TLS usage.
    - Added functionality for unwatching items in Kodi library, after it was unwatched in Trakt.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.66[/COLOR][/B]
    - One more fix for navigating in the searches. 
    - Subtitles now use original titles for searching.
    - Fixed adding torrents window for Kodi 18.
    - Fix to library updater, that was wrongly assigning watched state, due to Kodi IDs reuse.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.65[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Concurrent connections settings.
    - Changes in torrent library.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.64[/COLOR][/B]
    - Another attempt to fix search pages on Kodi 18. 
    - Changed TVDB url to allow proper parsing with latest TVDB scraper. 

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.63[/COLOR][/B]
    - Update torrent library version.
    - Added auto-select for BluRay menu files.
    - Added search capability for context plugin requests (search any content).
    - Added mandatory check to find specified network interface.
    - Optimizations to lower memory usage.
    - Added settings to disable NFO files for Movies/Shows (should fix TVDB scraper issue).
    - Another fix for starting playback from Search menu.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.62[/COLOR][/B]
    - Updated compiler version. 
    - Updated torrent library to fix big ammount of connections and low speeds caused by it.
    - Fixed Trakt sync of shows' watched status.
    - Trakt watched state now saves real watched date.
    - Added setting to change auto-library-update behavior (yes/ask/no).
    - Small fixes for Kodi 18 compatibility.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.61[/COLOR][/B]
    - Increased default providers timeout.
    - Added options to cleanup database and cache.
    - Added selection of bittorrent network interface.
    - Added selection of language for strm files (original names by default).
    - Added option to automatically (silently) run library update on item add/remote.
    - Added option to automatically submit logs to pastebin services (Additional -> Logging).
    - Removed seasonXepisode from episode name for Kodi Player.
    - Added fallback requests for empty Genres (some langages miss namings).
    - Torrent files from multiple trackers now include all of them.
    - More relevant names saved for Torrents (not the one included in torrent file, but the one we get from providers).
    - Added NFO files generation for Movies/Shows to explicitly save IDs for Elementum/TMDB/TVDB/IMDB.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.60[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added proper gzip handling in torrent resolve.
    - Added proxy setter to default HTTP client.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.59[/COLOR][/B]
    - Splitted Download path into Download+Torrents.
    - Download path now is not needed for memory storage.
    - Small fixes to fanart detection.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.58[/COLOR][/B]
    - Quick fix release. 

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.57[/COLOR][/B]
    - Changed thumbnails detection for episodes.
    - Changed resolution detection for found streams.
    - Fixed repository creation.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.56[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added usage of fanart.tv service for setting fanart.
    - Added reading advancedsettings.xml file to adjust buffer size in Elementum.
    - Changed Calendars pages.
    - More changes to progress pages.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.55[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed bug with showing Trakt authorizarion when accessing Trakt lists.
    - More changes to My Progress page look.
    - Big changes to fanart selection for all lists and items.
    - Added proper Cast to episodes and seasons.
    - Splitted option to add/remove items to Trakt into movie/show separate settings.
    - Changed progress date format to be more usual, like yyyy-mm-dd.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.54[/COLOR][/B]
    - Remastered Trakt progress page. Should be quicker loading.
    - Added settings to customize Progress page (colorize, sorting, filtering).
    - Added setting to allow automatic add/remove to custom Trakt Userlist.
    - Fixed issue with TMDB lists.
    - Added Trakt recommendations to Movies/Shows. It shows recommendations for currently logged user.
    - Added Trakt Top lists. Lot of collections, composed by people.
    - Small fixes.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.53[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added configuration for autoloading torrents on startup (only for non-memory storage).
    - Added configuration for adding and removing movies/shows from Trakt lists when operated in Kodi library.
    - Fixed missing artwork for Trakt items.
    - Small bug fixes.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.52[/COLOR][/B]
    - Small bugs fixes.
    - Search payload changed for general query (needs latest Burst).
    - Added /debug/all to list debug information without log.
    - Updated to latest torrent library.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.51[/COLOR][/B]
    - Hot-fix after v0.0.50 

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.50[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed issue with adding not-aired episodes to the library.
    - Attempt to fix Xbox/iOS builds.
    - Added functionality to make able to split plugin into local and remote part.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.49[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Remove action in context menu of search queries.
    - Added File submition to WebUI.
    - Added Statistics menu item, which shows useful information about the plugin.
    - Fixed usage of plugin with Windows Store's Kodi.
    - Fixed Pause/Unpause of torrents.
    - Several small fixes.
    - Now passing ProxyURL to searchers.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.48[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added caching for stream selection.
    - Added caching for search results. 
    - Public/Opennic DNS configuration added to Kodi settings.
    - Fixed usage of special chars in file names.
    - Added /debug/bundle to download all the debug information.
    - Fixed labels for /search playback. 
    - Other small fixes.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.47[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added proxy support to torrent library (Supports Socks4/Socks5/HTTP/HTTPS proxy).
    - Stream selection become bigger.
    - Added /debug/ URL to show debugging information.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.46[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Automatic memory size detection option, which is enabled by default. Default is 5% of physical memory, but not bigger than 200mb.
    - Fixed TCPv6 issue with listening, while disabled.
    - Added language selector for OSDB.
    - Altered Trakt to start sync after startup, not only after period of time.
    - Fixed issue with removing strm files when Kodi is renewing the information.
    - Added lists of Movies/Shows, filtered by Countries/Original Language, Country/Language menu in Movies/Shows.
    - Added sort by size for torrents list in search results.
    - Now showing directory name in file selection, if files have different directories.
    - Another attempt to fix hanging "Resolving torrent files" notification.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.45[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixed issues with IP+Port detection.
    - Resume playback reorganized, so disable it from settings if needed.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.44[/COLOR][/B]
    - Mostly a maintenance release, fixing small issues.
    - Fixed Pride show being added always to the library.
    - Trailers playback moved to Youtube plugin.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.43[/COLOR][/B]
    - Migrating to another database engine to allow flexibility in the future.
    - Library manipulations changed a lot due to database change, so it can bring bugs and errors. Please, report them on https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues website.
    - Small fixes.
    - Updated torrent engine.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.42[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Disable Upload setting to disable Uploading at all, if Seed Time is 0 - upload will stop when download is finished.
    - Updated torrent engine.
    - Small fixes.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.41[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Context menu add-on to Elementum repository. Allows playing any item from Kodi library, not only strm files.
    - Fixes for Kodi 16 library.
    - Updated torrent engine.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.40[/COLOR][/B]
    - Custom DNS names reverted to become optional.
    - Small fixes.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.39[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added custom DNS resolvers (Using Google/Quad9/Opennic servers).

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.38[/COLOR][/B]
    - Fixing reported issues with the library management.
    - Fixed searching non-english originated movies/shows.
    - Updated Croatian and Hebrew languages. Thanks to @muzena and @meijin007.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.35[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Upnp/NAT support (is testing mode).
    - Added Shows Progress page for Trakt.
    - Movies/Shows menu reorganization and unification.
    - Added Silent playback start setting to not ask for existing torrents and reusing old ones.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.33[/COLOR][/B]
    - Re-Enabled seeding for memory storage.
    - Fixed few bugs from github.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.31[/COLOR][/B]
    - Trakt lists now use TMDB data. Can be turned off in Settings > Appearance
    - Not removing UTF characters from search payload.
    - Smaller fixes to stability.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.30[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added unified watched status. TheMovieDB/Trakt lists can show Watched items, same with Kodi Library.

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.29[/COLOR][/B]
    - Global changes to Library management
    - Trakt Watched items are synced to Kodi library
    - Kodi Watched items are synced to Trakt, as well
    - Torrent library updated to latest version
    - [B][COLOR red]This is a big change release, if you encounter a bug, please report it on github.com![/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR red]v0.0.26[/COLOR][/B]
    - Added Changelog
    - Caching moved to the database
    - Added proper OS signal handling
    - Fixed not-removed files after torrent removed
    - Fixed rate limiting for download/upload
    - Seeding is not disabled by default
    - New rate limiter in use
    - Faster tmdb listings