- Improvement in playing videos (at rush hour).
- Remove option to use Israeli IP header using 'X-FORWARDED-FOR' header. (stopped working)
- Maintenance.
- Maintenance.
- Added an option to enter the paid username and password in addon settings.
- Added News category.
- Added Documentary movies category.
- Maintenance.
- Added User-Agent to playing URL. (some devices needs this).
- Added option to use Israeli IP header using 'X-FORWARDED-FOR' header. (i.e.  
  default is empty (not use 'X-FORWARDED-FOR')
- Delete 'cookies.dat' file before playing an item.
- Fix for items not playing on kodi 15. (Thanks to BenHT from http://www.hometheater.co.il)
- Added search option.
- Added sorting method option. (website-order / alphabetic-order)
- Addon name changed.
- Added more categories.
- Adjust to APIs' changes (again..).
- Fix playing problems for few users.
- Adjust to APIs' changes (again).
- Adjust to APIs' changes.
- Bugfix, the addon will start faster now.
- Fix for XBMC versions.
- Initial release.